姓 名 |
马彪 |
职 称 |
教授 |
■博导 ■硕导 |
学院专业 |
304am永利集团、机械工程专业 |
办公地址 |
永利官网中关村校区,9号教学楼423室 |
邮 编 |
100081 |
办公电话 |
010-68911913 |
邮 件 |
mabiao@bit.edu.cn |
研究方向 |
车辆传动系统理论与技术、车辆总体设计及理论、车辆结构强度及故障诊断。 |
代表性论文及研究项目 |
代表性论文: [1] Wu Jianpeng, Ma Biao, Li Heyan, etc. The Running-in Micro-Mechanism and Efficient Work Conditions of Cu-Based Friction Material against 65Mn Steel[J]. Experimental Techniques, 2019(12): Vol. 43, No. 6, pp667-676 [2] Jia Ran, Ma Biao, Zheng Changsong, etc. Comprehensive improvement of the sensitivity and detectability of a large-aperture electromagnetic wear particle detector [J], Sensors, 2019(7): Vol.19, No.14. [3] Yu Liang, Ma Biao, Chen Man, etc. Comparison of the friction and wear characteristics between copper and paper based friction materials[J], Materials2019(9): Vol.12, No.18. [4] Ma Biao, Yu Liang, Chen Man, etc. Numerical and experimental studies on the thermal characteristics of the clutch hydraulic system with provision for oil flow[J], Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2019(8): Vol. 71, No. 6, pp733-740. [5] Yan Shufa, Ma Biao, Zheng Changsong, etc. An Optimal Lubrication Oil Replacement Method Based on Selected Oil Field Data[J], IEEE Access, 2019, Vol.7, pp92110-92118. [6] Wu Jianpeng, Ma Biao , Li Heyan, etc. Friction and wear properties of three different steels against paper-based friction material[J], Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2019,Vol.71,No.10, pp1206-1212. [7] Yan Shufa, Ma Biao, Zheng Changsong. A Unified System Residual Life Prediction Method Based on Selected Tribo-diagnostic Data[J], IEEE Access, 2019,Vol.7, pp44087-44096. [8] Yu Liang, Ma Biao, Chen Man, etc. Investigation on the failure mechanism and safety mechanical-thermal boundary of a multi-disc clutch[J], Engineering Failure Analysis, 2019, Vol.103, pp319-334. [9] Jia Ran, Ma Biao, etc. Magnetic properties of micro-particles with different shapes and postures in the high precision particles detection[J], Powder Technology, 2019, Vol.356, pp628-639. [10] Yu Liang, Ma Biao, Chen Man, etc. Thermodynamic Differences of Different Friction Pairs in a Multidisc Clutch Caused by Spline Friction: Numerical Simulation and Experimental Verification[J], Tribology Transactions, 2019(7), Vol.62, No.4, pp724-736. [11] Yu Liang, Ma Biao, Chen Man, etc. Numerical and experimental studies on the characteristics of friction torque based on wet paper-based clutches[J], Tribology International, 2019(3), VOL131, pp541-553. [12] 闫书法,马彪, 郑长松. 基于油液光谱分析的综合传动视情维护研究[J], 光谱学与光谱分析,2019(11),Vol.39, No.11, pp3470-3474. [13] 马彪,李明阳,李和言, 等. 变形摩擦元件对系统热弹性不稳定性的影响[J], 永利官网学报,2019(3), VoL.39, No.3, pp241-247. [14] 闫书法,马彪,郑长松. 基于竞争失效的综合传动剩余寿命预测[J], 汽车工程, 2019(4), Vol.41, No.4, pp426-431,461. [15] Jia Ran, Ma Biao, Zheng Changsong, etc. Magnetic properties of ferromagnetic particles under alternating magnetic fields: Focus on particle detection sensor applications[J], Sensors, 2018(12):Vol.18, No.12. [16] 马彪,昌和,李和言,等. 车辆蠕行控制策略研究[J], 汽车工程, 2018, Vol.40, No.12, pp1447-1453. [17] Wu Jianpeng, Ma Biao, Li Heyan, etc. The effect of circlip induced contact pressure on the temperature distribution in multi-disc clutches[J], International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2018, Vol.77, No.3, pp132-152. [18] 马彪,周如意,李和言,等, 齿形换挡带式制动器接合过程研究 [J], 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2018(9), Vol.46 No.9, pp88-93. [19] Zhao Erhui, Ma Biao, Li Heyan. Numerical and Experimental Studies on Tribological Behaviors of Cu-Based Friction Pairs from Hydrodynamic to Boundary Lubrication[J]. Tribology Transactions, 2017(7), pp1-10. [20] Li Mingyang, Ma Biao, Li Heyan, etc. Analysis of the thermal buckling of annular disks in clutches under the condition of radial temperature gradient[J]. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2017(10), Vol. 40, No.10, pp1275-1284. [21].Biao Ma, Likun Yang, Heyan Li, etc. Hot judder behavior in multidisc clutches[J]. J Engineering Tribology, 2017(1):VOL.231,NO.1,pp136-146. [22]马彪,陈飞,李和言,等. 换挡频次对离合器平均温升影响的研究[J].汽车工程,2017, Vol.39, No.5, pp535-542. [23] Likun Yang, Biao Ma, Mehdi Ahmadian, etc. Pressure Distribution of a Multidisc Clutch Suffering Frictionally Induced Thermal Load[J], Tribology Transactions, 2016, Vol. 59. No.6, pp983-992. [24] 马彪,陈飞,李和言,等. 湿式离合器摩擦副平均温升特性研究[J],兵工学报,2016(6), Vol.37, No.6, pp961-968. 研究项目: [1]. 能量密度对湿式换挡离合器摩擦热弹性不稳定性影响的机理研究与分析模型(国家自然科学基金) [4]. 工程机械传动技术研究 |
成果及荣誉 |
获国家科技进步一等奖1项(排名第8)、二等奖2项(排名第2和第9),获部级科技进步一等奖2项(排名第1和第3)、二等奖2项(排名第1和第6)。1996年被评为北京市优秀教育工作者、2004年被评为北京市优秀教师,2011年被评为永利官网优秀共产党员;分别被评为10.5、11.5、12.5期间永利官网科技工作先进个人。2004年入选教育部"新世纪优秀人才支持计划",2009年入选国家高层次领军人才。 |
社会职务 |
中国机械工程学会设备与维修工程分会常务委员、润滑与液压技术专业委员会主任等社会兼职。 |